Police Roll of Honour - Lest We Forget

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National Police Officers Roll of Honour

Honouring and Remembering British Police Officers who Lost their Lives in the Line of Duty ~ Lest we Forget



Honouring Police Officers who
have been killed, or died as a result
of injuries received, in consequence
of the execution of their duty.

Book of Remembrance


Remembering Police Officers who
have otherwise died, on or in
connection with their duty, or
whilst serving overseas.


The National Police Officers Roll of Honour is an ongoing historical research project aimed at honouring and remembering every British police officer who has fallen in the line of duty since the earliest days of professional law enforcement more than three centuries ago. Established in 1995 with the support of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and all UK police forces, it is the original resource for the United Kingdom's Police Roll of Honour.

The creation of the Roll of Honour and Remembrance serves as a record of public service and sacrifice in the protection of the people, paying tribute to some 5,000 British police officers who have been killed or died on duty, or as a result of duty, since the first recorded deaths of  Parish Constables more than three centuries ago.

The research documents, for the first time, the names and circumstances of death of those officers who lost their lives within the United Kingdom and will also include British losses whilst serving in Colonial and other UK administered police forces overseas. Newly discovered and future losses will also be recorded.

The Roll includes officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty as a result of criminal acts, enemy action in air raids, misadventure whilst taking special risks to protect the public or make arrests, accidents whilst on routine patrol or travelling to and from duty, natural causes and unknown causes. It commemorates their sacrifice in the public service and provides a focal point and visible means for family and friends to reflect on the loss of their loved ones and to know that their loss is not forgotten.


The National Police Officers Roll of Honour, its website and publications are the creation of former Metropolitan and Lancashire police officer Anthony Rae who, since 1980, has spent more than 40 years researching and compiling records of British police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.

Initially looking at the history of police murders, Anthony's research into all police deaths began in earnest following the  deaths on duty of three colleagues by drowning in a gallant rescue attempt from a stormy sea at Blackpool in January 1983, when he discovered that there was no national Roll of Honour or historic records of deaths on duty for the UK police services.

Milestones include: -

  • 1985-2010 - More than 40 articles publshed on the subject in national and local police magazines and journals.
  • 1995 - Formation of the National Police Officers Roll of Honour research project, with the backing of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and support from police services and other associations.
  • 1997 - Attended the opening of 'The Beat' police memorial avenue at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) and requested to provide a copy of the National Police Officers Roll of Honour on completion.
  • 1998 - Requested by Michael Winner Chairman of the Police Memorial Trust to compile the Roll of Honour for a new National Police Memorial planned to be constructed on The Mall in London.
  • 1999 - At the request of the Metropolitan Police provided the first full historical Roll of Honour and Remembrance list, which was published as an appendix in their "Official Encyclopedia of Scotland Yard".
  • 2000 - Anthony Rae founded the Police Roll of Honour Trust charity, with the post-holders of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary and the President of ACPO becoming the Charity's Patron and President.
  • 2001 - At the request of the Metropolitan Police Anthony completed research and writing of a detailed Roll of Honour for a ceremonial Book of Remembrance dedicated by Her Majesty The Queen at Hendon.
  • 2002 - First agreement in principle with the NMA for construction of memorial with names engraved.
  • 2003 - Assisted with details of all Scottish police duty deaths for a new Scottish Police Memorial.
  • 2004 - Provided the Roll of Honour for the National Police Memorial Day updated annually 2004-2009.
  • 2005 - Anthony completed research, wrote and produced the Roll of Honour for the Police Memorial Trust to be displayed at the National Police Memorial and unveiled by Her Majesty The Queen on The Mall, London.
  • 2006 - Sat on first NMA police memorial group chaired by Police Mutual Assurance Society (PMAS).
  • 2008 - Sat on second NMA police memorial group chaired by Care of Police Survivors (COPS).
  • 2010 - Third NMA memorial group chaired by Police Roll of Honour Trust; take memorial project to ACPO Council, gaining police service support and funding for professional study and campaign costs.
  • 2011 - Study confirms viability of memorial project, Trust hands over management to the CEO of PMAS, sponsors of The Beat, under police service leadership of the heads of HMIC and ACPO.
  • 2012 - With new management on the Trust, Anthony Rae left the charity he founded, and was proud to lead for 12 years, for academic research study to ensure the integrity of the National Police Officers Roll of Honour.
  • 2016 - Awarded Master's degree in History from Lancaster University based on research into police casualties.
  • 2017 - Provided citations for 120 memorial plaques for the new Lancashire Police Memorial Garden.
  • 2019 - Researched and provided  information and evidence to enable the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to erect memorials for lost graves of 15 British Police officers in Israel, for the British Palestine Police Association.
  • 2020 - Provided a 1,000 name Lancashire County Palatine police and military service Roll of Honour Wall for Lancaster Castle Police Museum.
  • 2021 - Researched and produced the Roll of Honour and Remembrance for Police Superintendents' Association.
  • 2021 - Ongoing academic research review of more than 5,000 fallen UK and Colonial police, for Roll.

For a full history of the National Police Officers Roll of Honour see Remembering the Fallen first published in 2010


Anthony RAE - Research Co-ordinator and Webmaster

Police Sergeant, Lancashire Constabulary (Retired)

Anthony served 30 years in the Metropolitan Police and Lancashire Constabulary, receiving five Chief Constable's Commendations for good police work and bravery, including once highly commended, and two humane society awards. He founded the National Police Officers Roll of Honour project in 1995 and the Police Roll of Honour Trust charity in 2000. After retirement in 2004 he provided his services full time to the charity until January 2012 when he left to concentrate on completing the research for the National Police Officers Roll of Honour. In 2016 he was awarded an MA History degree.

He is a Trustee and Committee Member of the Police History Society, Registered Charity 295540 (founded 1986),
Patron: Lord Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, Kt, QPM, DL, LLD, website:

Richard ABBOTT QPM - Researcher & Advisor on Irish Police Forces - RIC/USC/RUC GC

Inspector, Royal Ulster Constabulary GC & Police Service of Northern Ireland (Retired)

Richard retired as a police Inspector in 2008 after more than 30 years service during which he was awarded seven Chief Constable's commendations and was twice highly commended. He is the author and his book Police Casualties in Ireland 1919-1922, first published in 2000, received widespread acclaim for its meticulous research and even handed approach. In 2002 he was awarded the Queen's Police Medal for Distinguished Service. He compiled the memorial names for the RUC GC Garden opened by HRH The Prince of Wales in 2003. He has assisted as a researcher since the early days of the project.

Keith FOSTER - Researcher and Advisor on London and Metropolitan Police records and memorials.

Retired Insurance Administrator and local historian

Keith, a Londoner, is a family and local historian and a member of the Society of Genealogists with a keen interest in policing history after discovering several relatives had served. He is an experienced researcher and photographer and for many years years he has applied his skills to the research and re-discovery of many long forgotten police memorials in the London area. He has assisted with the Roll of Honour research for more than 25 years.

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Page updated 16 May 2024

National Police Officers Roll of Honour Copyright (c) Anthony Rae MA 1985-2024

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