Police Roll of Honour - Lest We Forget

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National Police Officers Roll of Honour

Honouring and Remembering British Police Officers who Lost their Lives in the Line of Duty

United Kingdom Police Force Rolls

United Kingdom Police badge

All officers on the Roll can be found on the police force rolls listed below, which

include officers killed in the former constituent forces within the current police areas.

Current UK Police Force Areas including their former constituent Forces

represented on the Roll of Honour

The names of officers from over 300 police forces are included in the Roll of Honour.

Historically, since the late 18th century, more than 700 police forces have existed in the United Kingdom and British Islands. These comprised some 540 'geographic' city, borough and county forces and some 170 commercial, transport, and public authority forces. Over the years amalgamations of forces (the last major one in 1974) have reduced the number of forces to about 70 to at the beginning of the 21st century: -

52 geographic forces - 43 in England and Wales, 8 in Scotland and 1 in Northern Ireland;

3 Island forces, 3 National forces and about 12 Parks, Ports, Airports and Tunnel forces.

Click on police area name to view Rolls - under review - please notify any errors or omissions











(United Kingdom 1801-1922)


Dublin Metropolitan Police


Irish Constabularies 1801-1836

(Including the Peace Preservation Force, County Constabulary and Irish Revenue Police)


Royal Irish Constabulary 1836-1922

(Including the Constabulary of Ireland)




Irish Constabularies 1801-1922

(Including former constituent forces of the six counties of Northern Ireland. Names may be duplicated in the Rolls for Ireland above.)


Police Homicides since 1800

(Analytical list of Members of Northern Ireland Police Forces killed by criminal acts since 1800)


Belfast Harbour Police


Ulster Special Constabulary 1921-1970



Police Service of Northern Ireland


No known deaths recorded, and not currently represented on Roll:-

PORTS / OTHER: - Port of Dover Police; Port of Liverpool Police; Other airport / parks / ports police.


Abbreviations used in lists




A = Acting
ACC = Assistant Chief Constable
C(onst) = Constable
Cdr = Commander
Ch = Chief
Cmr = Commissioner
D = Detective
Exp = Explosives
Fm = Fireman
H = Head
I(nsp) = Inspector
Ms = Messenger
O = Officer
P = Police
Par = Parish
Pce = Peace
R = Reserve
S = Special
Sgt = Sergeant
Stn = Station
Supt = Superintendent
T = Temporary
W = Woman
W/man = Watchman
WR = War Reserve.

Ireland only:

A = Auxiliary
Cadet = Officer Cadet
D(ist) = District
Co = County

CSO = Civilian Search Officer


National Honours/Awards:


GC = George Cross
GM = George Medal
KPM = King’s Police Medal
KPFSM = King’s Police and Fire Service Medal
QPM = Queen’s Police Medal
QGM = Queen’s Gallantry Medal
BEM = British Empire Medal
MBE = Member of Order of the British Empire
KC = King’s Commendation
QC = Queen’s Commendation.



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Page updated 16 May 2024

National Police Officers Roll of Honour Copyright © Anthony Rae MA 1985-2024

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